Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What am I?

Descartes once declared: "Je pense, donc je suis." (I think, therefore I am) Today, his idea has evolved into "I consume, therefore I am" or more generally, "I am dissatisfied, therefore I am."

Americans are industrious people who work 24/7 nearly 365 days a year — all in the pursuit of happiness and being full-time consumers. We are so proud of our lifestyle that we propagate it to the rest of the world.

However, as cancerous cells to its host, uncontrolled and rabid consumerism can consume the world and its resources. Eventually, cancer consumes its host and then itself.  Besides, there is no evidence that the more stuffs we have, the happier, the more loving or more sane we become.

Perhaps, existentialism is just as simple as: "I am, therefore I am." So, it's possible to realize, then to change the general brainwashed conditioning and declare independence from this one dimensional - consumerist - way of thinking.

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